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Are Your Handpieces Failing? Maximize Handpiece Performance with Routine Maintenance


Updated: May 20, 2021

Given how they are used and the requirement for sterilization after every patient, dental handpieces take a lot of abuse, but with a little routine maintenance you can still get a very good life out of them. Premature handpiece failure is frequently caused by inadequate or improper maintenance. Conversely, proper maintenance can help to extend the life of your handpieces.

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The information contained herein is for educational purposes and for the benefit of licensed health care professionals. Much equipment in the dental office is under high pressure, carries high voltage electricity and/or can generate extreme temperatures.  Care should always be taken when performing repairs or maintenance. Under normal circumstances, equipment should be turned off, depressurized, and disconnected from power before performing service. It is the responsibility of the end-user to recognize and exercise appropriate caution.  All content copyright Dental-Techguru LLC.

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